Bill Hunt • Ohio (1946- )
100 Variations of a Bowl • Porcelain 5” x 5” x 2” each
When “why not?” is as important as “why?” You’re a former philosophy major who took up ceramics because there are only, like maybe, 6 philosophy jobs available … worldwide. Ceramics sounded like an easy “A “at the College of Wooster and you soon found you were having way too much fun. While pursuing a Master of Fine Arts Degree at the Ohio State University, the Head of the Art Department at tiny Valley City State College on the plains of North Dakota, noticed your work and asked you to join his faculty. “Why not?”
Before leaving for the frozen tundra (an exaggeration, but still) Bill Hunt asked OSU graphics professor Sid Chafetz for some teaching advice. “Stay one lesson ahead of the kids and you’ll be fine.” It worked for about two years until Hunt quit over the college’s new support of the Vietnam war.
In 1972, the editor of Ceramics Monthly magazine died and its owner decided he didn’t want to hire the usual journalism major. Hunt, who had gone 8 months without a paycheck, soon joined the staff, partly because of the curiosity he’d developed while pursuing his philosophy degree. Over the next 22 years Bill Hunt traveled the world visiting and interviewing top ceramicists. “It was like I got a couple of PhD’s for free. I got to see how they lived, worked and who influenced them.” Why couldn’t he do what they did? Why not?
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So in 1994, he quit the editorship to make ceramics full time.
In 1999, the Columbus College of Art & Design called and asked if they could coerce him into teaching there. “Why not?”
“That’s the way life goes. Every time I’ve taken a substantial risk, as frightening as it might be, it always worked out.”
Today Bill Hunt is a full-time studio artist in Delaware, Ohio. His interest in blue and white porcelain, grew from studying European and Japanese ceramics. “People have appreciated blue and white porcelain for centuries. It’s often associated with royalty and top-of-the-line stuff.” For the Columbus College of Art & Design’s 125th Anniversary exhibition, Hunt set out to make 125 bowls, wondering if he could decorate each piece differently. He did, but pruned the original 125 to the best 100 now in the Canton Museum of Art’s Permanent Collection. “Actually, I gave them 101, in case one broke.” Why not?
Canton Museum of Art Permanent Collection
Doran Foundation in Memory of Edward & Rosa J. Langenback 2005.6.1 - .101
4 Ways to Sound Smart When Viewing at The Canton Museum of Art
“The son of a Presbyterian minister, this guy was preordained to attend the College of Wooster.”
“He edited Ceramics Monthly for 22 years. Talk about learning on the job, he had the best seat in the house.”
“100 bowls, each with different decoration and feet. Now that’s a challenge.”
“Is ceramics art or craft? As Bill Hunt said: ‘You can’t trace the entire history of art without ceramics, but not with just oil painting’. Enough said.”
Hunt Timeline. Scroll over images to see timeline.