Brush - "Indian Moose Hunters" Realistic oil painting of 2 indian hunters in a canoe chasing a moose

George De Forest Brush • American: 1855-1941

Indian Moose HuntersOil on Panel 17 1/2” x 23 1/2”


A man in camouflage. What did the Crow Indians think when a Parisian bon vivant walked into their camp that summer day in 1885? George de Forest Brush had a remarkable ability to fit in everywhere he went. He was comfortable in the salons of Paris, where he studied art, and Indian encampments in America’s wild west, where he studied life. He was friends with Mark Twain, the sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens and the Indian Chief Plenty Coups who never forgot Brush’s “words of eternal wisdom.” 

But there were two people he could never quite see eye-to-eye with: His father, who despised his career choices, and his mother-in-law who didn’t want her daughter marrying an unconventional man living in a teepee on a plot of land surrounded by the mansions of upstate New York. He never reconciled with his father, though he became a prosperous artist. He solved the other family problem by eloping with girlfriend Mittie Welply and staying in Canada for two years until his new mother-in-law calmed down.

George and Mittie were a formidable couple whose outer civility masked restless spirits and unconventional tastes. While raising seven children, they moved from New York to France to Florence, Italy and finally rural New Hampshire. George railed against modernity by painting Indians as craftsmen using techniques perfected over generations. His painting, Indian Moose Hunters is very much in this vein, though the subject matter is a traditional hunting technique rather than art.  

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Mittie loved flying airplanes. Together they collaborated on finding ways to make airplanes and ships invisible. George’s study of protective coloration in nature led to the couple’s development of camouflage during World War I.

So you see, you really can tell a lot about a man from his teepee. George de Forest Brush’s early choice of homes indicated a man who viewed the world from a different angle. A man unsatisfied with conventional choices. By the time he died on the cusp of World War II, he had become an American Master, in both art and life.

Canton Museum of Art Permanent Collection • Gift of John Hemming Fry 46.15


4 Ways to Sound Smart When Viewing at The Canton Museum of Art

“He was a Parisian trained painter who made his mark painting the lives of American Indians He lived in both Paris and Indian villages in the wild west.”

“Crow Chief Plenty Coups (really) never forgot Brush’s ‘words of eternal wisdom’ and claims they greatly influenced Crow history.”

“Later in his life, he became known as the ‘Grandfather of Art Pottery’ as he popularized ceramic techniques of ancient Pueblo Indians.”

“His wife, Mittie, was an early woman aviator. Together, and with the help of friend Abbott Thayer, they developed camouflage for the military.”


Brush Timeline. Scroll over images to see timeline.